
國立台南藝術大學應用藝術研究所 藝術碩士



台灣珠寶金工創作協會 理事

台南應用科技大學 商品設計系 兼任講師

實踐大學 服飾經營學系 兼任講師

南風工作室 設計師∕負責人


2007 台灣工藝創藝市集大賞 第一名

2005 「罌粟」-南瀛美展 入選

2005 「綻放」- 全國美展 入選

2005 「花的對白」- 全省美展 入選

2004 「My precious」—第十二屆工藝設計競賽 入選

2003 「漾態」—第十一屆工藝設計競賽 入選


M.F.A in Graduate Institute of Applied Arts, Tainan National University of The Arts

B.A in Department of Textiles and Clothing , Fu Jen Catholic University

Lecturer ,Department of Fashion Design And Merchandising, Shih Chien University

Lecturer,Department of Product Design,Tainan University of Technology

Director and instructor of Nouveau Studio

Director of Taiwan Jewelry Design & Metalsmithing Association

2007:First Prize for Taiwan Creative Craft Market Award

2005:"Opium poppy" – Selected for Nan Ying Art Award

2005:" Bloom" – Selected for National Art Exhibition for The Repubilc Of China

2005:"Dialog of Flowers" – Selected forTaiwan Provincial Fine Art Exhibition

2004:"My Precious" – Selected for the 12th Taiwan Craft Arts Design Competition

2003:"Ripple" – Selected for the 11th Taiwan Craft Art Design Competition


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