
芬蘭赫爾辛基藝術與設計大學 University of Art and Design Helsinki UIAH, 工業設計碩士

美國纽約州Hofstra University 藝術系學士, 主修金屬與珠寶創作


自2005年 Chao & Eero Jewel 負責人之一

自2006年 芬蘭設計珠寶品牌 Lapponia Jewelry 設計師, (為該品牌第一個女性設計師)

2010年 2nd Merit Award, “METAL Inclinations 2”, an International online jewelry competition and exhibition for 2010-12.

2001年 日本國際珍珠設計比賽第四名

2012年 “THE ART. by Chao-Hsien Kuo –Simplicity” 個展, 芬蘭赫爾辛基

2011年 “BETWEEN TRADITION AND FUTURE" – 芬蘭的實驗性工藝與當代設計 聯展,韓國清州國際工藝雙年展

2010年 “Hirameki Design x Finland”, 芬蘭當代設計聯展, 日本東京 Living Design Center Ozone

2009年 “European Prize for Applied Arts”, Mons, 比利時

2009年 “Finnish Jewellery 1600-2009” 聯展. 芬蘭赫爾辛基Design Museum

2005年 “Hand in Hand- jewelry for the bride” 珠寶創作個展. 芬蘭赫爾辛基



Master of Arts in Industrial Design, University of Art and Design Helsinki, UIAH. Finland

Bachelor of Science with High Honors in Fine Arts- jewelry/ metal Hofstra University, Hempstead, New York, USA

Since 2005 Co-founder of Chao & Eero Jewel, Finland.

Since 2006 Freelance designer for Lapponia Jewelry. Finland.

2010 2nd Merit Award, “METAL Inclinations 2”, an International online jewelry competition and exhibition for 2010-12.

2012 “THE ART. by Chao-Hsien Kuo –Simplicity” solo exhibition, Helsinki, Finland.

2011 “BETWEEN TRADITION AND FUTURE" – Experimental craft and contemporary design from Finland, juried group exhibition at Cheongju International Craft Biennale, South Korea.

2010 “Hirameki Design x Finland”, group exhibition, Living Design Center Ozone, Tokyo, Japan.

2009 “European Prize for Applied Arts”, Mons, Belgium

2009 “ Finnish Jewellery 1600-2009” group exhibition. Design Museum, Helsinki, Finland.

2008 “Best of European Contemporary Crafts II”, Paris, France

2005 “Hand in Hand- jewelry for the bride” solo exhibition Design Forum Finland, Helsinki, Finland